Sunday, 5 April 2015

Final submissions

Candidate name- Cal Ives-Keeler
Candidate number- 9458
Centre number- 18339

Evaluation website-

Main product, music video-

Ancillary product 1, website homepage-

Ancillary product 2, magazine advert-

Tuesday, 31 March 2015


I was unable to print my survey directly as I used Survey Monkey which doesn't allow you to print unless you pay. I re typed it on word and printed it out for everyone in my media room to fill in. I also handed it to people in my sixth form who meet my target audience requirements. I asked the participants to watch my video before filling in the survey.

I had intended to produce a graph or table showing the results of my survey, however out of the ten questions, seven require a qualitative answer which is hard to show through a graph or table. Instead I will discuss the results in further detail below. I asked 20 people to do my survey, all of which meet my target audience requirements, and I am not friends with all of the people who did my survey to ensure the results were not to protect my feelings.

Question 1- Every person that took my survey said they enjoyed my video, this tells me my product definitely appeals to my target audience.

Question 2- Again every participant had seen the original so they were aware that I had created a parody video.

Question 3- I had mixed results for question three, none of which were disappointing. 1 person claimed it did not resemble the original at all, 3 people said it resembled the original moderately and the remaining 16 people said it was a very close representation. My fourth option was incase the person couldn't answer because they haven't seen the original. The results for this question show that I successfully recreated recognisable shots from the original.

Question 4- Out of 20 people, 1 claimed it was not clear my video was a parody, the other 19 agreed that it was clear. I consider this to be an outlier as they are the only person who didn't think it was clear. Furthermore 1 person saying it is not clear is not enough to influence me to make significant changes to my video.

Question 5- 14 people claimed they found my video very funny which is a great response from my audience, whilst 6 others claimed it was okay. I am glad nobody ticked the "not remotely funny" option, these results prove I have succeeded in producing a parody which people find funny.

Question 6- The ages of the participants range from 17-19. This age bracket fits into my target audience of young people aged 15-25 which is a guideline to the age group I think would understand that my video is a parody.

Question 7- I purposefully handed my survey to 10 males and 10 females in order to find out which gender preferred my video. It seemed that more males found my video funny than females, I assume this is because they are more amused by another male making a fool of himself.

Question 8- Interestingly every option was ticked by people, the least picked was Vimeo with only 6 people. Youtube, Spotify and iTunes were all more or less equally popular, the most common "other" option was pirated music from the internet or through an app.

Question 9- I received different opinions for this question. 11 people said they would only recommend it to a friend, 4 people would only recommend to a family member, and 5 would recommend to both. Nobody said they wouldn't recommend it. Clearly recommending the video to a friend is the favourite option, this is most likely because they know their friends will also find it funny because they too may fit my target audience.

Question 10- The most common social networks people used were Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The purpose behind this question was to find out where it would be the most effective to advertise my products to my target audience, clearly Facebook and Twitter are ideal whereas I think I might struggle to advertise through Instagram because it is mainly just used as Twitter without the words.

Overall the results were very useful, everyone seemed to enjoy my video which was my main aim. The survey was anonymous to ensure people didn't just answer to be nice, and also to make sure they gave me honest opinions. After analysing my results it is clear to me that I have fulfilled the needs of my target audience and succeeded in producing a funny parody music video which they all enjoyed, some more than others, but none the less found it amusing. The survey was filled in after I had finished my final version of the video, I have used these results as a form of evaluation rather than using them to make changes to my video. I feel that no matter how many surveys I produced asking people which parts could be better I would never be able to take every single piece of advice on board. However I feel the way I have chosen to utilise my results is more beneficial to me and for my development as a producer.

Storyboarding for music video

I only recently realised I never uploaded my storyboard for my music video. Here is an Emaze I made  showing and explaining all of the storyboards.

Powered by emaze

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Time management for evaluation

I am having to manage my time as much as possible to ensure I can finish the evaluation in just under two weeks from today. This is going to be tricky as I have other coursework deadlines due within this week so I will need to spend all of my free time on coursework. Goodbye social life.

Because there are 4 main questions instead of the 7 we had last year, I need to fit much more into each answer. Last year I assigned a whole day to answering each question which was enough time to complete all questions. Because there are fewer questions which require more content, I think I will spend two days on each question, taking a total of 8 days.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

My music magazine advert for the album

Here is my finished piece

I used photoshop to create the advert because after using it for other products I have become fluent with it's use. I researched the dimensions for a magazine page and adjusted the canvas size to fit. Pages within a magazine are between 190mm to 210mm wide and 277mm to 297mm height. I decided to make mine slightly more even but still well within the tolerance.

My choice of colour for the banner is the same shade of blue as the title on the album cover. A colour scheme I am using is pink and blue, which is the iconic colour displayed on the album cover, the website for Jack and now the advert. If Jack were to become a famous celebrity it would be his signature colour scheme. I have the larger banner across the bottom with the main information, however I also decided to add a small strip along the top with the website url. I didn't want to clutter the bottom with lots of information, and I also thought the top looked slightly bare. The Jessie J advert doesn't have a banner along the top, however the Kins of Leon advert does. I assume it is entirely down to artist or editor preference.

The information I added in the bottom was somewhat inspired more by the Jessie J advert because I feel as an artist she is closer to the genre of music Jack creates. Seen as it is his first album I said his "debut album", the name of the album just to make it clearer, and also just a reminder that the album contains his new single. I didn't put the name of the single because the album is already the name of the song. I also decided to add a release date so people know when it is out, or when it came out to encourage them to get it soon.

I added an iTunes download icon and the YouTube logo because the video would be exhibited on YouTube on a channel such as Vevo. The magazine this ad would most likely be in is "We Pop" because it is aimed at young people who like pop music.

Research into music magazine adverts

In order to produce my own advert I first identified what an album advert should look like in a magazine. Some examples I found are Jessie J and Kings of Leon. Both adverts appear to be very similar with regards to layout, however they both feature different information in the lower portion. The most obvious similarity between the two is the album cover takes up around two thirds of the page, with the bottom section containing information about the release including dates, tracks and where it can be downloaded etc.

Here is the advert for Jessie J's album "Who you are"

Here is the album cover for Kings of Leon "_only_by_the_night"

I used both of these adverts for reference when I produced my own for Jack. I followed the same structure with the album cover itself being the biggest segment, and adding the information into the bottom portion.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Not magazine cover, magazine advert

It has come to my attention, for brief 1 I am not supposed to produce a magazine front cover. This is annoying because I have nearly finished making one. Instead the brief states that I must create a "magazine advertisement" for the albums release. This is a small setback, it hopefully shouldn't take too long to convert the cover into an advert seen as I am just using the album cover as a background image. I will need to find a new example to use for reference.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Evaluation website

I have started my evaluation website which can be found using the link below. I am using wix again because I like the tools used to create the website. Also I used it to create one of my ancillary products so I am familiar with the way it works.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015


Here are some of the minor changes I have made to the website.

The title Call me maybe is now centred at the top of the page. To ensure it wasnt being blocked by anything I have reduced the size of the "official website" font. 

I have changed the names of the cities Jack will be touring in to places in the UK, which I have decided are  somewhat unlikely places for an artist to want to tour. This is to add to the comedy/ parody effect, that realistically he wouldn't tour in any of these locations.

Changing my website background

I have produced two new alternatives for the background of my website using photoshop. I opened the file for the album cover and played around with moving the title, then changing the background to see if it looked better.

Here is the first of the two alternatives.

For this version I simply removed the title completely, leaving just Jack. This completely fixes the problem of the title looking messy behind text and the news feed on the page. However I feel it makes the website look empty, as Jack is off centre it leaves a majority of the screen empty. 

I decided I don't like the screen looking half empty, so I created another alternative version. 

This version has the title centred, which I feel looks far better on the website. Most importantly it fills the blank space, but also looks as though it has been made especially for the website, because it has. 

After asking for multiple opinions I have decided to go with the second alternative I have created, it fills the space and keeps the website looking neat. 

Friday, 6 March 2015

Website format

For the website, the main colours I have used are pink and blue. This is to keep with the colours on the album cover which are the same. I wanted to keep the colours as close as possible in an attempt to create continuity, also to make it obvious I am parodying the original.

I like the background image as the album cover with Jack slightly offset, also how he appears both at the beginning and the end. Roughly halfway down the page his face is blocked by the tour dates and the music video. This adds a certain dynamic to the website, it creates layers which makes the page more interesting. Also as you scroll Jack remains still and the content moves, or if you see it the other way then as you move down so does Jack. However the audience view it, I think the movement keeps the website interesting.

One aspect I may change from some feedback I received is possibly removing the song title from the background image, as it appears somewhat messy? Scrolling up and down, there is no position where the writing is completely unblocked, the edges are just about visible either side of the news feed so I may just remove it and keep Jack. I had made the first box on the news feed slightly transparent to reveal the title below, however the image on the box still blocks the words.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Images onto Wix

So far I have used the same image of Jack about 5-6 times on my website, so I am going to start replacing some of the news feed images with images of Jack doing things celebrities do. For example here is an image of Jack climbing out of a Bugatti Veyron which I took with the same camera I used before. That was a lie, I used a different camera. That was also a lie, I photoshopped this picture. The original image is Tom Cruise.

For some reason Wix keeps crashing when I try to upload the image, but I will keep trying. 

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Album cover

To create the album cover I took some pictures of Jack using my girlfriends camera which is far better than my iPhone camera. I took half a dozen images of Jack in the photographic studio, in the pose that Carly Rae Jepsen is on the album cover for Call Me Maybe. I used professional lighting and a white backdrop to ensure the image would be as clear as possible, so the end product would be high quality.

The top 4 are images I decided not to use, for little reasons like the position was off, the lighting wasn't right etc. I was happy with the bottom image, which I then took to the next stage of development. 

I imported the image into photoshop and began removing the edges, I did this using multiple tools so I was left with nothing but Jack. A lot of people use the quick select tool when trying to remove the background surrounding an image because it is the fastest way to do so. I however, prefer to painstakingly go round the edge with the eraser tool on a somewhat soft setting, removing the background by hand. 

Once I had nothing but Jack, I proceeded to adding him onto the cover for the album using Carly's as the template. First I needed to remove her which was fairly simple, just replacing her with the blank background using the colour replacement tool. Also before I added Jack I changed the writing on the cover. Originally reading "Carly Rae Jepsen" then Call Me Maybe, I replaced her name with Jacks, and added the Don't in front of Call Me Maybe. Finding the correct font was somewhat challenging, I used Dafont to find both the font for the name and for the "Don't". The final blank cover looked like this. 

One of the final steps was to add Jack onto the cover, this was easy as all I had to do is place him on the front, however I then edited him so he looked brighter with higher contrast. This is because on album covers the artist is always edited to look perfect, but I didn't want to do that to Jack. Not that he isn't perfect... But I just decided that a more natural look will suit the parody aspect because he clearly isn't a glamorous, attractive young woman. After the touch ups it looked something like this. 

I was more or less finished by this point, however I decided something wasn't quite right. Jack looked like he was floating in the air, so I used the burn tool to cast a shadow beneath him. It is very subtle however I think it adds a lot. It's the finishing touch, here is the final product. 

I will be using this image on my website and on my magazine cover. It will be the main image for the magazine cover as the cover is advertising the album release. I will also use it on my website as a main image because the website would be updated regularly, therefore the newest and most important event would be the album release, therefore making it a main image makes it as obvious as possible. 

Here is both covers to compare.

Friday, 27 February 2015

Website homepage

I am using Wix to create my website homepage for Jack's single, as one of my ancillary products. The brief states that I only need to create a website homepage, therefore none of the other pages will link to anything. In order to avoid it looking like I never finished, any page link will link to this blog post. I have linked the Vimeo button to my Vimeo account, and the blogger link to my blog, however all other buttons will just link to this post.

I have used Carly Rae's website for ideas on how to structure a pop artist website.

As you can see the tabs along the top take you to other sections of the website including tour, music, photos, videos, store etc. I have taken this and created buttons on my website linked to similar pages where the audience and fans can find out more about Jack and other content. However seen as I only have to create the homepage there is no other content. Sorry to all of Jack's fans. 

The image above is actually the news page of the website, the first page presented when you click on the website link is just an image. I assume this image changes from time to time. I have created a page which somewhat resembles this page, however I have combined some other elements into it seen as I am only creating one page, I need to squeeze more content in. I have taken the news feed idea because I think it's a good way of keeping fans up to date. Also my target audience (insert here) is technologically literate and will want to check the latest news, making it an important feature of the website. 

I also like the large image on the screen of Carly, just to remind you that you're on her website. I have used the album cover image of Jack for the background because similarly to the way Carly's website has an image which is updated as the first thing you see, I think that the release of his new album is the most important piece of new, therefore I have made the cover the actual background of the homepage. 

Here is a screenshot of the actual website published on the internet. Wix allows you to make changes and update the website as you go, so nothing has been finalised yet. 

This is the top of the page. You can see the tabs to other pages, links to social networking because the target audience of the pop genre are usually heavy users of social networks. There is a gap on the right, at first I saw this as empty space that needed to be filled, however once I changed the background I have changed my mind. I think it makes it clearer that the background is actually a feature of the website, it's like a window really. 

Here is a view lower down the page. 

The news feed is located on the left hand side of the screen. There are numerous posts about events in Jack's celebrity career. I chose to do this because pop artists tend to be in magazines and other media in the "gossip" section. The news about pop artists isn't usually news as much as it is gossip., hence my choice to style it in that way. 

On the right hand side are some tour dates and cities, so fans can see when he will be touring. Just below the tour dates is a link to the music video. I have embedded the video also however the HD version can only be watched on Vimeo. 

I was surprised looking through Carly's website as it appears to be heavily unformatted. 

Maybe I should send her a link to my website, see if she is interested in taking some ideas. 

Here is the link to my website:

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Jenny's number

I doubt anyone will notice as it is somewhat hard to see but the post it note I hand to Holly has the number 8675309 on it, which is a direct reference to the song 867-5309/ Jenny by Tommy Tutone. The song doesn't really have any links to the video in any way, I just like it, and as it is a phone number I thought it'd be good to hand a post-it with a number on it.

This is something that happens in parody videos, the artist sometimes includes small intertextual references to their songs etc.

Mini evaluation

This post is just a quick list of things I like about my video or that I think went well, and a list of things I don't like or that could be better.


  • It's funny- this is based upon the fact everyone I have shown has laughed, whether they know the people in it or not, or even know me
  • It is clearly a parody of the original, not just a bad copy
  • Everyone turned up when I needed them, more or less
  • I can use Final Cut Pro efficiently, except that one time...
  • It looks quite good, visually appealing, good camera angles
  • The shot changes line up with the beats of the song, or at least where they do in the original


  • I would've liked to re film, however the actors were not available and getting new actors on such short notice would've been impossible
  • Deleting all of my work and essentially having to start again
  • Actors could've been more professional, again re filming would've been good
  • Lip sync isn't perfect, really the best I can do with Jack's face
  • Continuity errors with lights being on then off, background props etc

Finally finished with Final Cut

My music video is now finished and fully edited, I will embed it below.

I think overall the production went very well. My piece resembles the original accurately, yet differently enough to let the audience know that it's a parody. As far as the comedy goes, I have showed the video to just under 20 people in my sixth form, not all of whom I am friends with to ensure that their review is fair, and also multiple media teachers to get their opinions. Just about everyone enjoyed the video and laughed at it, most of whom have never met Jack and are therefore laughing for the reasons I want them to laugh for. Not because they think Jack looks like a tit, but because I have parodied the original to make it funny, and that has been recognised.

Everything is okay now

I came into school for one day over the holiday and managed to re edit my entire production. All of the clips were still in the same place, however I was unable to line the music up with the clips perfectly which led me to editing the clips anyway. I then re edited Jack's voice back in the same as I had done before. I was able to edit his voice in somewhat faster than the first time as I now knew what I was doing, and was familiar with the process.

I immediately uploaded it to Vimeo to ensure that I have a version of it published where it can no longer be interfered with. I will embed the video below. It is the final version of my music video, though there are some things I would like to have changed, they would've required re filming which was not an potion without finding new actors.

Friday, 13 February 2015

It's the Final (Cut) countdown

As it turns out my latest version never uploaded to Vimeo, leaving me with an old version of my video. I still have evidence on my blog in previous posts showing that I edited Jack singing the song however I no longer have that version of the video. The latest backup is the version which is currently on Vimeo, there were some editing tweaks made after that, and mainly the singing and instrumental version of the song to remove Carly's voice and replace it with Jack's.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Final Cut No

Somehow I was able to wipe Final cut including my entire music video and that of two other media students on the same machine. I feel that is something that should not be possible to do by accident. Luckily I was able to get their work back with help from someone in my group. The macs at school do not have time machine set up properly so I was unable to use this to revert to before the accident.

By using a backup file within Final Cut I was able to get the timeline for their work back, which then required me to just re upload all of their clips and it automatically reformatted them to fit the timeline. I will attempt to fix mine as well in the same way, however I feel it is not as urgent because I have more or less finished my video and uploaded it to Vimeo.

Preliminary products

For my brief I need to make a magazine cover advertising the release of the album, and a website homepage advertising the band. I have mentioned how I will create each of these in an earlier post with research into magazine covers and digipaks. Now that I have more or less finished my main piece I have decided to focus on the preliminary products, as the deadline for completion is approaching.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

White balance

Some shots of my video are very white. I attempted to fix this using the white balance however this just made the footage look terrible. The problem is the light exposure from outside, which I can't do too much about without making the entire shot darker. I played with the colour board and contrast settings on final cut and was able to make the shot less white, however I did not like the look of this.

This is the original footage with no filter. The sky is very bright however this is without the filter.

 This is the version from my video with the "artificial light" filter similar to the one used in the original video, giving it a yellowish hue.

This is what I managed to create using the contract controls on Final cut. The whites are slightly darker yet I think it looks too dark and yellow. I therefore have decided to stick with the middle option.

Class review

I showed the first edit of my music video to my A2 media class to get some feedback on how to improve. Just about everyone was able to enjoy it with plenty of laughs which is exactly what I wanted, even the people who don't know Jack so aren't just laughing at his misfortune. Everybody in my media group is between the ages of 17-19 which fits my target audience of young people aged from 13 to around 20.

The aim of making this video wasn't solely to appeal to people within that age bracket, but to entertain those who have seen the original and either didn't like it, or just find mine funny. I figured the original video would've been seen by young people aged around 13 because that's the age where teenagers start getting into their music therefore when the song was released it would've been very popular with that age group.

Similarly with older young people aged 20, they are internet conscious and listen to the latest songs in the charts, which Call Me Maybe would've been on when it was released. Therefore all the people within that age bracket should recognise that my video is a parody and can laugh at it. The response I got from my class shows that I have appealed to the right age bracket.

The feedback was mostly positive with some ideas on changes to make, as it was only the first edit. Unfortunately due to the unavailability of the actors I have used I was unable to re film, so all the changes suggested needed to take into account that I can only make changes post filming in the editing stage. Certain suggestions such as removing certain clips and replacing them with something slightly better were unfortunately not fulfilled as I have no footage I can replace them with. I have already used the best clips from all that we filmed which included one repeat of a shot, however it is very hard to notice.

I recorded the group giving me feedback and have uploaded it to Vimeo, I will put a link in this post. A popular idea was to record Jack singing the song and replace Carly's voice with his. I had already planned to do this therefore I removed the section from the video because most of it is me explaining how I intended to do it which I have covered in another blog post. Also I had to reduce the length of the video significantly as Vimeo only permits a certain amount of upload-able data to users.

Title of (Don't) Call Me Maybe

I decided to name my production (Don't) Call Me Maybe as it is a parody of the song "Call Me Maybe" however I removed the interest between the two main characters, eliminating the wanting to be called aspect. I am not yet certain as to whether to leave the "Don't" in brackets or not, whether that will make the title appear too similar to the original or not. The reason behind it being in brackets is because I haven't changed the lyrics therefore it isn't a new song exactly, if anything it could be considered a different version. Also having the title say "Don't" in front gives people a slight indication of how the video is going to be different, but they will still want to find out.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Final straw with Final Cut

I have experienced numerous issues with Final Cut which are solely down to the program or the Mac I am using being glitchy. The most common is un rendered footage/ audio in the editing timeline. This is a big problem with editing because I need to be able to see which clip I am editing to make it as accurate as possible.

In the past I have been able to fix it by moving to the unloaded clip and clicking on it, then waiting for it to buffer. However I did experience a large section of Jack's vocals being missing, even after I had closed and re opened the program multiple times.

As you can see in the image the audio appears to end, however it is still there as I could hear it when I played it. Although I knew it was there, I needed to be able to see the sound waves to be able to edit accurately. Eventually I managed to get it back by zooming all the way in on the footage, then by zooming back out again. I have no idea what caused this, perhaps the size of the file had caused the program to slow down.

More editing of vocals

As I have said in an earlier post the timing of the song I have used is not the same speed as the version Jack sang to, therefore I have had to edit Jack's singing in chunks speeding some sections up and slowing some down. I have cut in between certain lines and spaced them apart to replicate the song as well as I could.

Although I am doing a parody, I still want it to resemble the original where I deem necessary, and I think the more accurate the vocals are to the original the better. I feel tat having the timings off would just make the piece look lazy and unprofessional on my behalf.

Editing Jack's singing

I asked Jack to sing the song so I could replace Carly Rae's voice with his. Unfortunately Jack's singing talent isn't as good as I had hoped. He had the confidence to do so which made him a good candidate, however I would have preferred someone who could've produced a somewhat nicer to listen to version. Sorry Jack.

I did ask someone I know called Toby Watts who has performed in several drama productions, including the production of Grease at my school. He is a good singer, however he was unavailable when I needed him. Furthermore I wasn't sure if having someone looking dorky would go well with a talented singing voice. Conclusively I decided Jack singing as well as he could would be a good fit.

The downside of this is that the acting he did, and the editing I had done prior to recording his voice, was all synced with the original track. Regardless of Jack's voice not being that of an angel, he also wasn't able to exactly reproduce the song with all the perfect timings, not that I expected him to. In addition, the instrumental version I had downloaded was not the same length as the original, meaning it was slightly out of time. This led to a large task of re editing all of the audio for the video to line up with the footage. Unfortunately I was unable to fix the original lip sync issues with Jack's acting, and if anything they may be slightly worse with Jack's singing as well.

I can't re film now as Jack is unavailable for a time period I would need him for, and I cannot re film with someone else otherwise I would need to re film the entire video which would prevent me from meeting the deadline.


I recorded Jack singing the song on my iPhone using the voice memos app. From this app I was able to email them to myself, open the email on a computer and transfer it to a memory stick. I then transferred it from the memory stick into the mac and uploaded it to final cut pro. Finding a version of the original song without lyrics, an instrumental version, was rather challenging. I eventually managed to find a version on a website as a music video without singing, which I again emailed to myself thinking I could repeat the steps from before.

However it would not allow me to transfer the song from the email to the computer, so I had to take it a few steps further. I downloaded an app on my phone which converted videos into downloads. It took some effort and actually downloading two different apps but I eventually managed to get the song saved to my phone. From there I did the same using a memory stick on the computer and uploaded it to the mac.

I replaced the original video which I had been using to line up the lip sync to Jack, with the instrumental track. I detached the audio and deleted the footage leaving me with just the instrumental soundtrack. I then had to edit all of the audio from Jack's voice to line up with the music and the video.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Word/text effects

In the original video there is a scene in which Carly is in a "fairy-tale world" where the background is a pink sunset and both characters are dressed like a prince and princess. In this scene above their heads is the title of the song, and below is Carly's name. I attempted to recreate this through the use of text features on final cut, however there is one element I am not happy about. 
The original was undoubtedly created through the use of a green screen, meaning both the background and the text are behind the characters. Whereas I added the text in post production therefore it is over the heads of the characters. As far as I can tell there is no way I can edit the words to be behind the characters, not without using a green screen. 

Permission to use the song

In order to ensure I didn't violate any copyright issues, or just annoy the producers of Call Me Maybe I decided to email the record label. After finding the producer of the song (Josh Ramsay) but no way of contacting him, I then discovered the record label 604 Records was the label for the song. On their website I managed to find an email address hidden away with info in the title. Assuming this was the address most of their questions get asked I figured it made sense to send mine to that address. In the brief it states that providing I have evidence of contacting the producer of the song I can use it in my production.

Friday, 30 January 2015

Can't use the effects I need

One shot of the original video contains a focus pull which we were unable to produce with the camera as it was not complex enough. Without access to a camera capable of a focus pull I had to make do with the shot we have. The shot in particular is framed by my character and the inside of the car with Jack's character in the background trying to get my attention. The original video uses a focus pull to re focus on the male character, however the camera also pans slightly so he is centered in the shot. We were able to film a shot similar to this however there is more emphasis on the pan, as it lacks the focus pull.

Representing Homosexuality

In my music video one of my main characters is a gay man which breaks stereotypes as in the past it would have been unheard of to have a main character be gay. To avoid being offensive I chose not to portray the character as incredibly camp and "obviously" gay because I don't want to offend anyone by conforming to certain stereotypes of gay people. Furthermore it wouldn't have fit the role for the character to be overly camp, I wanted to be somewhat true to the original with the acting.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Lighting effects

As far as lighting goes, there are only two locations in my video and one is outside. Seen as it wasn't dark there was no need for extra lighting outside, however in the living room I turned the lights on as it got darker. This does count as a continuity error as the lights are not on earlier in the production, however it is hard to notice due to the filters I have put on the clips.

It was quite a dull day which affected the lighting, however the filter I added somewhat counteracts this. Ideally it would have been good if the weather was sunny and warm, mainly because I caught a cold filming it was so bad. The filter doesn't really make it look like it is a nice sunny day, but it does mask it well enough to appear like the original video.