I have decided to analyse all of the components of a music video, hat it is, what makes it good or bad etc. to strip it to its most basic form as a product, a music video is a short moving image accompanying a song. The video will usually follow a narrative and tell a story related to the theme of the song, however some are not related at all and are purely for entertainment.
A music video can also be used as a promotional tool to promote the song itself or the band. Music videos can become more popular than the song, or at least significantly reinforce the number of consumers of the song. For example the song Call Me Maybe is a pretty basic song about love following the girl meets boy and falls in love story line. However in the video there is a twist at the end which reveals the boy to be gay, leaving the girl in a state of confusion. This comedic event is not in the actual song, therefore by watching the video as well the consumers get an extra level of entertainment.
Here is the music video for Call Me Maybe on Vimeo
Sometimes a music video can have a specific purpose, perhaps to convey a certain idea or story without mentioning it in the song, or it sometimes has a video which in no way relates to the song itself, but is there for entertainment purposes. A recent example is "Wont look back" by Duke Dumont. The song itself is somewhat about love, it is clearly a woman talking about how someone else makes her feel. However the video is three men robbing a store, wearing politician masks, with pogo sticks as weapons. They then proceed to escape on the pogo sticks as they are individually tracked down by a policeman on a segway who takes them out one by one. Personally I cannot find a link between the meaning of the song and that of the video, therefore the video is just there for entertainment.
Here is the video on Vimeo
Music videos are usually released to boost the sales of songs, this is because it just offers another way in which the song can be consumed, therefore widening the array of people that are able to consume the product. On iTunes it costs £0.99 for a song, and £1.89 for a music video, so if the song is successful then people will want to see the video for that extra level of consumption and entertainment. Most if not all music videos for songs nowadays can be found on streaming sites primarily YouTube.