Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Actor acting up

One problem I'm not sure I can fix using editing magic, is at some points in my footage it appears as though jacks mouth is hardly moving. This is due to Jacks inability to enunciate. However I can't fully blame him, the day we filmed was absolutely freezing so the last thing on his mind would've been "I hope it looks like I'm really singing for Cal's coursework to look accurate."

With the deadline approaching and exams closing in, I don't think I can find time where everyone will be willing to come back and re film. However now I know this can be an issue, in future projects I will ensure that the footage lines up with the sound before it's too late to re film.

Furthermore I have realised that the version of the song we played during filming for Jack to sing to (karaoke style) plays at a slightly different speed than the audio track I have used to edit the clips together. To compensate for this I adjusted the speeds of the clips to either speed them up or slow them down to fit in time with the audio.

I will be asking Jack to re-sing the song so I can have his voice instead of Carly Rae Jepsen.

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